Art is a dance between unseen influences, the artist and their medium.
The following pieces were created during various potent, immersive processes about the purposes of life—and within the living of life itself. Some may have words that go with the piece while others speak on their own.
Each is as unique as the unseen influences that inspired it and the artist who was moved to create it.
Just click to enlarge, experience and appreciate each artwork in turn.
What feelings does it cause in you? How might you express those feelings?
Video Art: An Exploration in COLOR
Artists often seek to understand the world by processing it through intuitive, visual, or auditory lenses, allowing us to tap into deeper layers of experience—ones that words alone cannot fully express. In 2021 a group of seven artists from around the globe, each one bringing a special talent and perspective, united to prod into the mutually loved territory of Art. Meeting for over two years, to explore and workshop in ways that transcended traditional artistic methods we attempted to connect to the frequency of five distinct colors—White, Green, Yellow, Red and Blue. This task was as much about listening to the colors as it was about responding to them. As we dove in deeper, ideas started turning up, knowings, feelings, images and sounds became tangible. Each color seemed to have a life of its own working through us... Throughout this joyful and challenging journey, we compiled and collaged moving images that we think relate to each color, into five short audiovisual color samplings. These works are not meant to be definitive, but rather a glimpse into an ongoing, ever-evolving exploration and research of color and its impact on the human experience. We hope you can feel our discovery of the colors here in a way that you've never seen (or thought) about them before. We invite you to share how each color resonates with you, after watching the video—and we recommend that you watch on the largest screen available to you for the best possible experience.
This Month's Featured Color Sampling