Try, persist, keep going
Throughout the journey of one’s life
There is something that one keeps returning to.
With each day, with each new endeavour
Whether small or large, there sits the essence of try.
Which for this human life never ceases to amaze.
Something inside says to not give up.
With each new day to keep going
No matter what, no matter what the cost
Call it what you may, try, persistence, stamina, fortitude..
It’s always there.
Willing even to trudge through snow
Braving ice and freezing cold
To help someone you love, to give extra
Simply because you can.
And it never leaves us.
It is right there
From our first breath, our first steps
Up to the end of our lives..
And one wonders
What mighty hand put that there?
And why?
The engineering of the human is
To say the least
- Tagir