What is Needed*
What is Needed
Composed and Performed
by Ritty
* Notes for Contemplation as You Listen
Music and color are both cloaks of unseen energy. This composition is in response to the question, "What does the world need?" and is an embodiment of the five-fold, pentagrammic system that humans are fashioned and governed by. The piece has a "layering" to listen for and to detect how it makes you feel. What does it do for you? Does it charge and help lift you up?
Pentagrammic colors:
White - Drums (thought, reference, brain, computing)
Red - Bass (blood, patterns, rhythm, movement, doing)
Blue - Keys (planet, principles, alignment)
Yellow - Lead Guitar (connecting, receiving, high-emotion charge, well-being)
Green - Trilling Guitars (awe, sudden, not known yet, new born, inspirational, imaginative, electric, mystery, ideas, creativity)
For the Human Complex (Systems) hand reference:
White - Thumb
Red - Index Finger
Blue - Middle Finger
Yellow - Ring Finger
Green - Pinky